Regular activities
Sunday: Morning service: 10.30am, All Age Worship/Junior Church
Evening service: 6.30pm
Monday: Lunch Club for Senior Citizens: 12.00pm
Tuesday: Tuesday Fellowship: 2:00 pm
Youth Bible Study then Fellowship & refreshments 6pm
Guild: 8:00 pm (October - May)
Wednesday: Church open for prayer: 9:30 am - 12 noon
Bowls Group: 1.45pm
Ladies Keep Fit: 8:15 pm
Thursday: Midweek Communion: 10.15 am
Coffee morning: 10.45 am - 12 noon
Choir practice: 7:30 pm
Prayer Meeting: 8:30 pm
Saturday: Bowls Group: 9.45am
For House groups please ask at the Church
Room bookings Telephone 020 8856 1290
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